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हरियाणा के जिला हिसार से 35 किलोमीटर दूर राजस्थान सीमा पर बसे कस्बे मंडी आदमपुर की यह पहली वैबसाइट है। इसमें आप मंडी आदमपुर के साथ-साथ अन्य कस्बों के समाचार व महत्वपूर्ण घटनाओं से रूबरू होंगे। इसके अलावा मंडी आदमपुर कस्बे के जर्रे-जर्रे से भी आपको अवगत करवाने की पूरी कोशिश की जाएगी ताकि आप घर बैठे ही कोई भी जानकारी एक क्लिक के साथ पा सकें। वही इस वैबसाइट में विद्यार्थियों के लिए शिक्षा व रोजगार, व्यापारियों के लिए व्यापार व भाव, किसानों के लिए खेतीबाड़ी, धार्मिक आस्था रखने वालों के लिए धार्मिक साहित्य, मनोरंजन, बच्चों के लिए विशेष सामग्री तथा अन्य महत्वपूर्ण तथ्यों से भी आपको अपडेट करते रहेंगे। आशा है कि कस्बे की इस पहली वैबसाइट को आप अपना भरपूर समर्थन व सहयोग देकर हमें और अच्छा करने के लिए प्रेरित करेंगे।

Chief Editor:- N.S.Noonia
Contact No. 094168-67430
Address:- Shiv Colony, M.Adampur

Sub Editor:- Kapil Bhartiya
Contact No. 097283-25007
Address:- College Road, M.Adampur

Guest Editor:- Surendra Noonia
Contact No. 098124-36968
Address:- Noonia House, Shiv Colony, M.Adampur

                                Legal Consultants:-

Rakesh Kumar Rana
Contact No. 09068028029
Address:- Punjab & Haryana  High Court,CHD.
Supreme Court of India, New Delhi

Naveen Kumar Rana  
Contact No.09467428029
Address:-Punjab & Haryana High Court,CHANDIGARH


आधुनिकता के साथ हम आगे तो बढ़ रहे हैं लेकिन आज की युवा पीढ़ी व भविष्य की पीढ़ी अपनी संस्कृति की जड़ों से दूर होती जा रही है। आज हालत तो यह है कि दादा द्वारा बोले गए शब्दों को बच्चे समझ ही नहीं पाते। यह कॉलम स्थानीय भाषा(बागड़ी) को समर्पित है जिसमें बागड़ी शब्दों के अर्थों को विस्तार से समझाया जाएगा। उम्मीद है कि आदमपुर डॉट इन की यह पहल दर्शकों को पसंद आएगी।

देशी शब्द हिंदी में अर्थ
तिंदर - नखरा
जुगाड़ - समाधान
टिंगर - छोटा बच्चा
अलबाद - समस्या
तीवण - तड़का लगाई हुई सब्जी
ऐंडी - गजब
अड़ंगो - सामान
खंडवा - सिर पर बांधा जाने वाला साफा
पोतडिय़ा - नवजात शिशुओं के नैपकीन
चूंटियो - मक्खन
बटाऊ - दामाद
बीन-बीनणी - पति-पत्नी
लुगाई - महिला
लत्ता - कपड़े
कढावणी - दूध गर्म करने के लिए मिट्टी का बना बर्तन
बिलौणा - लस्सी बनाने के लिए बर्तन
आसंग - तबीयत
आथण - शाम
झांझरका - अल सुबह
तावल - जल्दी
डांगर - पशु
पाडकी - भैंस की बच्ची
पाडिया - भैंस का बच्चा
खागड़ - आवारा बैल
हारो - चाट, दूध आदि गर्म करने का चूल्हा
तावड़ो - धूप
दीदा - आंख
भींत - दीवार
कुवाड़ - दरवाजा
माची - चारपाई
डाकर - उल्टी आना
झुंआरी - दामाद को दी जाने वाली राशि
जणेत - बारात
सुमठणी - शादी में बेटी-दामाद को दिए जाने वाले सामान की रस्म
सोड़ - रजाई
दायजा - दहेज
बनड़ो - दूल्हा
खुरड़ा - पैर
लोगड़ - रूई
डेडर - मेंढक
गंडक - कुत्ता
कलेवा - नाश्ता
गंठिया - प्याज
टिक्कड़ - रोटी


माला जपने से क्या फायदा ?

जप किसी शब्द अथवा मंत्र को दोहराने की क्रिया ही नहीं है। यह पूजा-पाठ की परंपरा का हिस्सा है तो विज्ञान भी। जब हम किसी शब्द को बार-बार दोहराते हैं तो उसे जप करना कहते हैं। पूजा पद्धति में जप के माध्यम से ईश्वर के स्वरूप पर ध्यान केंद्रित किया जाता है। राम, कृष्ण, शिव, दुर्गा, हनुमान आदि देवताओं के जप की परंपरा मिलती है। जप के माध्यम से भीतरी शक्ति को जागृत किया जा सकता है। आइए, जानें जप से किस तरह हम नई ऊर्जा से भर सकते हैं...।
जप के प्रकार-जप करने के तीन तरीके हैं-
वाचिक- जब किसी शब्द या मंत्र को आवाज के साथ दोहराया जाता है।
उपांशु- मुंह से आवाज नहीं निकालते हुए जीभ (जुबान) से शब्द को दोहराना।
मानसिक- केवल मन ही मन किसी शब्द या मंत्र को दोहराना।

जप के फायदे - जप करने से हमारे अंदर सोई हुई आध्यात्मिक शक्ति जागती है। जिससे पूजा में होने वाली अनुभूति को अधिक निकटता से अनुभव किया जा सकता है। ईश्वर की अनुभूति के नजदीक पहुंचने के लिए सभी धर्मों-संप्रदायों में जप का तरीका अपनाया गया है। चैतन्य महाप्रभु ने जप को काफी महत्व दिया। श्री रामकृष्ण परमहंस के अनुसार एकाग्र होकर प्रभुनाम का जप करने से उनके रूप के दर्शन और साक्षात्कार भी होता है। वैज्ञानिक दृष्टिï से भी जप के प्रभाव सिद्ध पाए गए हैं। सामान्यत: कठिन परिस्थितियों में हम अचानक भगवान का नाम लेने लगते हैं जिससे हममें कुछ शक्ति आती है, कुछ राहत मिलती है, एक अनजानी सुरक्षा की भावना उपजती है। जब अचानक शुरू हुए जप का इतना प्रभाव होता है तो नियमित जप की शक्ति का अनुमान लगाया जा सकता है।

शंख का पूजा में महत्व
हिंदू मान्यता के अनुसार कोई भी पूजा, हवन, यज्ञ आदि शंख के उपयोग के बिना पूर्ण नहीं माना जाता है। धार्मिक शास्त्रों के अनुसार शंख बजाने से भूत-प्रेत, अज्ञान, रोग, दुराचार, पाप, दुषित विचार और गरीबी का नाश होता है। शंख बजाने की परंपरा प्राचीन काल से चली आ रही है। महाभारत काल में श्रीकृष्ण द्वारा कई बार अपना पंचजन्य शंख बजाया गया था।आधुनिक विज्ञान के अनुसार शंख बजाने से हमारे फेफड़ों का व्यायाम होता है, श्वास संबंधी रोगों से लडऩे की शक्ति मिलती है। पूजा के समय शंख में भरकर रखे गए जल को सभी पर छिड़का जाता है जिससे शंख के जल में कीटाणुओं को नष्ट करने की अद्भूत शक्ति होती है। साथ ही शंख में रखा पानी पीना स्वास्थ्य और हमारी हड्डियों, दांतों के लिए बहुत लाभदायक है। शंख में कैल्शियम, फास्फोरस और गंधक के गुण होते हैं जो उसमें रखे जल में आ जाते हैं

आरती क्यों और कैसे?
पूजा के अंत में हम सभी भगवान की आरती करते हैं। आरती के दौरान कई सामग्रियों का प्रयोग किया जाता है। इन सबका विशेष अर्थ होता है। ऐसी मान्यता है कि न केवल आरती करने, बल्कि इसमें शामिल होने पर भी बहुत पुण्य मिलता है। किसी भी देवता की आरती करते समय उन्हें 3बार पुष्प अर्पित करें। इस दरम्यान ढोल, नगाडे, घडियाल आदि भी बजाना चाहिए। एक शुभ पात्र में शुद्ध घी लें और उसमें विषम संख्या [जैसे 3,5या 7]में बत्तियां जलाकर आरती करें। आप चाहें, तो कपूर से भी आरती कर सकते हैं। सामान्य तौर पर पांच बत्तियों से आरती की जाती है, जिसे पंच प्रदीप भी कहते हैं। आरती पांच प्रकार से की जाती है। पहली दीपमाला से, दूसरी जल से भरे शंख से, तीसरा धुले हुए वस्त्र से, चौथी आम और पीपल आदि के पत्तों से और पांचवीं साष्टांग अर्थात शरीर के पांचों भाग [मस्तिष्क, दोनों हाथ-पांव] से। पंच-प्राणों की प्रतीक आरती हमारे शरीर के पंच-प्राणों की प्रतीक है। आरती करते हुए भक्त का भाव ऐसा होना चाहिए, मानो वह पंच-प्राणों की सहायता से ईश्वर की आरती उतार रहा हो। घी की ज्योति जीव के आत्मा की ज्योति का प्रतीक मानी जाती है। यदि हम अंतर्मन से ईश्वर को पुकारते हैं, तो यह पंचारतीकहलाती है। सामग्री का महत्व आरती के दौरान हम न केवल कलश का प्रयोग करते हैं, बल्कि उसमें कई प्रकार की सामग्रियां भी डालते जाते हैं। इन सभी के पीछे न केवल धार्मिक, बल्कि वैज्ञानिक आधार भी हैं।
कलश-कलश एक खास आकार का बना होता है। इसके अंदर का स्थान बिल्कुल खाली होता है। कहते हैं कि इस खाली स्थान में शिव बसते हैं।
यदि आप आरती के समय कलश का प्रयोग करते हैं, तो इसका अर्थ है कि आप शिव से एकाकार हो रहे हैं। किंवदंतिहै कि समुद्र मंथन के समय विष्णु भगवान ने अमृत कलश धारण किया था। इसलिए कलश में सभी देवताओं का वास माना जाता है।
जल-जल से भरा कलश देवताओं का आसन माना जाता है। दरअसल, हम जल को शुद्ध तत्व मानते हैं, जिससे ईश्वर आकृष्ट होते हैं।
नारियल- आरती के समय हम कलश पर नारियल रखते हैं। नारियल की शिखाओं में सकारात्मक ऊर्जा का भंडार पाया जाता है। हम जब आरती गाते हैं, तो नारियल की शिखाओं में मौजूद ऊर्जा तरंगों के माध्यम से कलश के जल में पहुंचती है। यह तरंगें काफी सूक्ष्म होती हैं।
सोना- ऐसी मान्यता है कि सोना अपने आस-पास के वातावरण में सकारात्मक ऊर्जा फैलाता है। सोने को शुद्ध कहा जाता है।
यही वजह है कि इसे भक्तों को भगवान से जोडने का माध्यम भी माना जाता है।
तांबे का पैसा- तांबे में सात्विक लहरें उत्पन्न करने की क्षमता अधिक होती है। कलश में उठती हुई लहरें वातावरण में प्रवेश कर जाती हैं। कलश में पैसा डालना त्याग का प्रतीक भी माना जाता है। यदि आप कलश में तांबे के पैसे डालते हैं, तो इसका मतलब है कि आपमें सात्विक गुणों का समावेश हो रहा है।
सप्तनदियोंका जल-गंगा, गोदावरी,यमुना, सिंधु, सरस्वती, कावेरीऔर नर्मदा नदी का जल पूजा के कलश में डाला जाता है। सप्त नदियों के जल में सकारात्मक ऊर्जा को आकृष्ट करने और उसे वातावरण में प्रवाहित करने की क्षमता होती है। क्योंकि ज्यादातर योगी-मुनि ने ईश्वर से एकाकार करने के लिए इन्हीं नदियों के किनारे तपस्या की थी। सुपारी और पान- यदि हम जल में सुपारी डालते हैं, तो इससे उत्पन्न तरंगें हमारे रजोगुण को समाप्त कर देते हैं और हमारे भीतर देवता के अच्छे गुणों को ग्रहण करने की क्षमता बढ जाती है। पान की बेल को नागबेलभी कहते हैं।
नागबेलको भूलोक और ब्रह्मलोक को जोडने वाली कडी माना जाता है। इसमें भूमि तरंगों को आकृष्ट करने की क्षमता होती है। साथ ही, इसे सात्विक भी कहा गया है। देवता की मूर्ति से उत्पन्न सकारात्मक ऊर्जा पान के डंठल द्वारा ग्रहण की जाती है।
तुलसी-आयुर्र्वेद में तुलसी का प्रयोग सदियों से होता आ रहा है। अन्य वनस्पतियों की तुलना में तुलसी में वातावरण को शुद्ध करने की क्षमता अधिक होती है।


क्‍या है सीएनजी
सीएनजी यानि कि संपीडित प्राकृतिक गैस (कंप्रेस्‍ड नेचुरल गैस) प्राकृतिक रूप से पाई जाने वाली अति ज्वलनशील गैस को अत्‍यधिक दबाव में रखने से बने तरल को कहते हैं। धरती के बहुत नीचे पाई जाने वाली यह गैस हवा से भी हल्‍की होती है। इसलिए इसके इस्‍तेमाल में सबसे बड़ी समस्‍या इसे स्‍टोर करने में आती है, जिसके लिए बड़ी जगह की जरूरत होती है।यही कारण है कि वाहनों में भी अतिरिक्‍त जगह की जरूरत होती है। लेकिन इस पर काम करने वाले वैज्ञानिकों का दावा है कि आने वाले सालों में इस समस्‍या पर काबू पा लिया जाएगा। सीएनजी का न तो कोई अपना रंग होता है, न गंध और न ही इसमें किसी प्रकार का जहर होता है। यह डीजल एवं पेट्रोल दोनों तरह के इंजनों में प्रयोग की जाती है। चूंकि सीएनजी डीजल एवं पेट्रोल की तुलना में कार्बन डाइऑक्‍साइड, नाइट्रोजन ऑक्‍साइड और जैविक गैसें कम उत्‍सर्जित करती है, इसलिए पर्यावरण के लिहाज से इसे उपयुक्‍त माना जाता है। यही कारण है कि विश्‍व के कई देश सीएनजी के प्रयोग के लिए जनता को प्रोत्‍साहित कर रहे हैं।इस समय दुनिया भर में करीब 125 लाख वाहन सीएनजी से चलाए जा रहे हैं। भारत में इनकी संख्‍या करीब 8 लाख बताई जाती है। एक अनुमान के मुताबिक साल 2020 तक सीएनजी से चलाए जाने वाले वाहनों की संख्‍या बढ़कर 270 लाख तक पहुंच जाएगी। वाहनों में इस गैस को प्रयोग करने के लिए 200 से 250 किलोग्राम प्रति वर्ग सेमी त‍क दबाया जाता है। ऐसा इसलिए किया जाता है ताकि यह इंजन के दहन प्रकोष्‍ठ में सही दबाव के साथ प्रवेश कर सके। प्राकृतिक गैस की तरह ही मीथेन, ईथेन और प्रोपेन सीएनजी के अवयव हैं।

प्राकृतिक गैस से वाहन चलाने का इतिहास

प्राकृतिक गैस से वाहन चलाने की शुरुआत 1930 में अमरीका से हुई। इसके बाद 1950 के आसपास इसके प्रयोग मे लोगों की रुचि बढ़ती गई। आगे चलकर प्राकृतिक गैस से वाहन चलाने का प्रचलन बढ़ता गया।

आइए जानें क्या है नक्सलवाद

1967 में सशस्त्र क्राति के माध्यम से किसानों और मजदूरों को उनका हक दिलाने के लिए पश्चिम बंगाल के नक्सलबाड़ी नामक स्थान पर एक आंदोलन की शुरूआत की गई थी। जिसे उसके स्थान के नाम पर नक्सलवाद आंदोलन कहा गया। इसके सिद्धांत मार्क्सवाद से प्रभावित थे, जबकि तरीके माओवाद से। माओ चीन के सश्सत्र क्रांति के प्रसिद्ध नेता थे जिनका ऐतिहासिक कथन था राजनीतिक सत्ता बंदूक की नली से निकलती है। इसके अलावा राजनीति रक्तहीन युद्ध है, जबकि युद्ध रक्त से भरी राजनीति।

मिथुन दा और नक्सलवादकथित तौर पर ये भी माना जाता है कि फिल्म एक्टर मिथुन चक्रवर्ति भी नक्लबाडी आंदोलन से जुड़े रहे। उनका कोडनेम राणा रेजा था, पुणे में फरारी के दिनों में ही उन्होंने एफटीटीआई पुणे की प्रवेश परीक्षा दी थी, जिसमें सफल होने के बाद आंदोलन से उनका जुड़ाव धीरे धीरे खत्म हो गया।

देशभर में पैर पसार चुका है नक्सलवाद

शुरूआत में यह आंदोलन केवल पश्चिम बंगाल में चलाया जा रहा था। लेकिन पिछले कुछ सालों में देश के बाकी भागों में भी यह फैलने लगा। खासकर पूर्वी भारत, छत्तीसगढ़ और आंध्रप्रदेश में भी माओवादियों के साथ नक्सलवादी अपने पैर पसारने लगे।

2009 के आंकड़ो के अनुसार नक्सली देश के 20 राज्यों की 220 जिलों में सक्रीय हैं। वह प्रमुख तौर पर रेड कॉरिडोर कहे जाने वाले क्षेत्रों में सक्रिय हैं। भारतीय खुफिया एजेंसी रॉ के मुताबिक देश में 20000 नक्सली काम कर रहे हैं। पिछले दिनों प्रधानमंत्री मनमोहन सिंह भी नक्सलियों को देश के लिए सबसे बड़ा अंदरूनी खतरा बता चुके हैं। फरवरी 2009 में केंद्र सरकार ने नक्सलियों के खिलाफ छत्तीसगढ़, उड़ीसा, आंध्रप्रदेश, माहाराष्ट्र, झारखंड, बिहार, उत्तरप्रदेश और पश्चिम बंगाल में जवाबी कार्रवाई के संयुक्त ऑपरेशन की घोषणा की थी।


अब तक आपने झांसी की रानी की तस्वीर पुस्तकों में स्केच या कैनवास पर ब्रश से उकेरे प्रयासों के सहारे ही देखा होगा, लेकिन भारत में रानी की रानी
लक्ष्मीबाई की मूल तस्वीर जिसको आप शायद ही कभी देखें हो।जी हां ये है झांसी की रानी की 1850 मैं खींची गई मूल तस्वीर, जिसे सन 1850 में अंग्रेज फोटोग्राफर हॉफमैन ने लिया था। पिछले दिनों विश्व फोटोग्राफी दिवस यानि 19 अगस्त को पद्मश्री वामन ठाकरे द्वारा खींचे गए छायाचित्रों, कैनवास पे उकेरे चित्रों, लेखन कार्य और अन्य कलाकृतियों की प्रदर्शनी का आयोजन भोपाल में किया गया था। इस प्रदर्शनी में उनके विशेष आग्रह पे अहमदाबाद के एक एंटिक संग्रहकर्ता ने यह छायाचित्र भेजा था।
इस फोटो को श्री वामन ने प्रदर्शनी में दिखाकर लोगों को आश्चर्यचकित कर दिया। क्योंकि लक्ष्मीबाई के मूल फोटो को आज तक शायद ही किसी ने देखा होगा। अभी तक ऐसा माना जाता रहा है कि इस दुनिया में रानी लक्ष्मीबाई की तस्वीर उपलब्ध नहीं है। लेकिन इस तस्वीर के एकाएक सामने आ जाने से यह साफ हो गया कि रानी की तस्वीर अभी भी उपलब्ध है


संता की बीवी को बच्चा होने वाला था। जब प्रसव पीड़ा शुरू हुई, तो पड़ोसियों ने संता के मोबाइल पर फोन करके बता दिया कि वे उसकी बीवी को फलां अस्पताल ले जा रहे हैं। संता आनन-फानन में सब काम छोड़-छोड़कर उस अस्पताल पहुंच गया।
वहां पहुंचकर वह चिल्लाने लगा : मेरी बीवी को बच्चा होने वाला है, मेरी बीवी को बच्चा होने वाला है।
नर्स बंतानी उससे बोली : कृपया शांत रहिए, अभी तो आपकी बीवी यहां पहुंची भी नहीं है। संता : ओह, मैं सीधे अस्पताल गया। मैंने सोचा कि इस महत्वपूर्ण मौक़े पर हम मियां-बीवी में से किसी एक को तो यहां मौजूद रहना ही चाहिए।

संता सड़क पर बेहोश हो गया। उसके इर्द-गिर्द भीड़ जा हो गई। लोग उसे होश में लाने के लिए अपनी-अपनी सलाह देने लगे। बुढ़िया बंता बोली: इसे ब्रांडी दे दो। किसी ने कहा कि मुंह में पानी डालो। बुढ़िया फिर बोली: अरे, इसके मुंह में दो घूंट ब्रांडी डाल दो। तभी कोई कहने लगा कि इसे अस्पताल ले चलो। इतने में बेहोश पड़ा संता उठ बैठा और कहने लगा: आप सब अपनी बकवास बंद कीजिए और उस बेचारी बुढ़िया की बात भी सुनिए।
एक व्यक्ति अपने दोस्त की मौत के बाद दोस्त की पत्नी के पास गया और बोलाः क्या में अपने दोस्त की जगह ले सकता हूं।
दोस्त की बीवी बोलीः मुझे कोई ऐतराज नहीं, बस आप कब्रिस्तान वालों से पूछ लो?


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Haryana (Hindi: हरियाणा, Punjabi: ਹਰਿਆਣਾ, IPA: [hərɪjaːɳaː]) is a state in India. Historically it is a part of Kuru region of North India. The name Haryana is found mentioned in the 12th century AD by the apabhramsha writer Vibudh Shridhar (VS 1189-1230). It is bordered by Punjab and Himachal Pradesh to the north, and by Rajasthan to the west and south. The river Yamuna defines its eastern border with Uttarakhand and Uttar Pradesh. Haryana also surrounds Delhi on three sides, forming the northern, western and southern borders of Delhi. Consequently, a large area of Haryana is included in the National Capital Region. The capital of the state is Chandigarh which is administered as a union territory and is also the capital of Punjab. The name Haryana means the Abode of God from Sanskrit Hari (the Hindu God Vishnu) and ayana (home), although it may also refer to the lush green landscape of the state (from Sanskrit harit
meaning green).

Haryana was the cradle of the Indus Valley and Vedic Civilizations, both flourishing on the banks of the now lost Sarasvati River. Several decisive battles were fought in the area, which shaped much of the history of India. These include the epic battle of Mahabharata at Kurukshetra (including the recital of the Bhagavad Gita by Krishna), and the three battles of Panipat. Haryana was administered as part of the Punjab province of British India, and was carved out on linguistic lines as India's 17th state in 1966. Haryana is now a leading contributor to the country's production of foodgrain and milk. Agriculture is the leading occupation for the residents of the state, the flat arable land irrigated by submersible pumps and an extensive canal system. Haryana contributed heavily to the Green Revolution that made India self-sufficient in food production in the 1960s.

Haryana is one of the wealthiest states of India and has the third highest per capita income in the country at Rs. 67,891, including the largest number of rural crorepatis in India. Haryana is also one of the most economically developed regions in South Asia and its agricultural and manufacturing industry has experienced sustained growth since 1970s. Haryana is India's largest manufacturer of passenger cars, two-wheelers, and tractors. Since 2000, the state has emerged as the largest recipient of investment per capita in India. The city of Gurgaon has rapidly emerged as a major hub for the information technology and automobile industries. Gurgaon is home to Maruti Udyog Limited, India's largest automobile manufacturer, and Hero Honda Limited, the world's largest manufacturer of two-wheelers. Panipat, Panchkula and Faridabad are also industrial hubs, with the Panipat Refinery being the second largest refinery in South Asia. There are also long established steel and textile industries in the state.

Major ethnic group in Haryana is of Jat people. Other ethnic groups are of Ahirs, Punjabis, Gujjars, Agarwals, Rors, Brahmins, Rajputs and Sainis.[14] Hindus are majority in Haryana and are about 90% of the population, Sikhs 6.2%, Muslims 4.05% and Christians 0.10%.

Formation of Haryana

Haryana state was formed on 1 November 1966, on the recommendation of the Sardar Hukam Singh Parliamentary Committee. The formation of this committee was announced in the Parliament on 23 September 1965. On 23 April 1966, acting on the recommendation of the Hukam Singh Committee, the Indian government set up the Shah Commission under the chairmanship of Justice J. C. Shah, to divide and set up the boundaries of Punjab and Haryana giving consideration to the language spoken by the people. The commission gave its report on 31 May 1966. According to this report the then districts of Hissar, Mahendragarh, Gurgaon, Rohtak, and Karnal were to be a part of the new state of Haryana. Further, the tehsils of Jind (district Sangrur), Narwana (district Sangrur), Naraingarh, Ambala and Jagadhari were also to be included. The commission recommended that Tehsil Kharar (including Chandigarh) should be a part of Haryana.

The city of Chandigarh, and a Punjabi-speaking area of district Rupnagar were made a Union Territory serving as the capital of both Punjab and Haryana. According to the Rajiv-Longowal Accord, Chandigarh was to be transferred to the state of Punjab in 1986, but the transfer was delayed and it has not been executed so far.


The climate of Haryana is similar to other states of India lying in the northern plains. It is very hot in summer (up to a high of 50 deg Celsius) and cold in winters (down to a low of 1 deg Celsius). The hottest months are May and June and the coldest being December and January. Rainfall is varied, with the Shivalik Hills region being the wettest and the Aravali Hills region being the driest. About 80% of the rainfall occurs in the monsoon season (July-September) and sometimes causes local flooding.

Government and politics

Politics of Haryana is mainly dominated by Jats . Like in all other states of India, Haryana is governed through a governor, a largely ceremonial position who is appointed by the President of India. The Chief Minister is the head of the Haryana state government and is vested with most of the executive powers. Haryana’s legislature is unicameral; its one house, the Haryana Legislative Assembly, consists of 90 members. Haryana has five seats in the Rajya Sabha, the upper house of India's national parliament, and ten in the Lok Sabha, the lower house. The largest political parties in Haryana are the Indian National Lok Dal, Haryana Janhit Congress, Bhartiya Janata Party, Bahujan Samaj Party and Indian National Congress. The present political scenario of the state is clear and it has a stable government under Bhupinder Singh Hooda who is presently the Chief Minister of the state.


Haryana has a rich cultural heritage that goes way back to the Vedic times. The state is rich in folklore with the oldest extant romance being that of Sorath and Dhaj, Ror Kumar. The people of Haryana have their own traditions. The age old customs of meditation, Yoga and chanting of Vedic Mantras, are still observed by the masses. Famous yoga guru Swami Ramdev is from Mahendragarh in Haryana. Seasonal and religious festivals glorify the culture of this region. Dance is said to be the mother of all arts. Music and poetry exist in tune, painting and architecture in space. Dance is not just a form of recreation but something needed to release physical and emotional energy. Haryana has a variety of folk dances, which like other creative art, help in sublimating the performer's worries and cares.

The people of Haryana have preserved their old religious and social traditions. They celebrate festivals with great enthusiasm and traditional fervor. Their culture and popular art are Saangs, dramas, ballads and songs in which they take great delight. Haryanavi has traditionally been the dominant language spoken by the martial people of Haryana. Post-1947, Punjabi is also spoken by a lot of people in Haryana especially by those Hindus and Sikhs who came over from Pakistan. Punjabi is second official language of Haryana. Sanskrit is also taught in most of the schools in Haryana. In towns and cities, English is still to be adopted as the household lingo, but is spoken in a hazy mixture of Haryanvi. The most striking feature of Haryana is its language itself; or rather, the manner in which it is spoken. Popularly known as Haryanavi, with Bangaru or Jatu (language of Jats) being the most widely spoken dialect, it is perhaps a bit crude, but full of earthy humor and straightforwardness. With rapid urbanization, and due to Haryana's close proximity to Delhi, the cultural aspects are now taking a more modern hue.


Despite recent industrial development, Haryana is primarily an agricultural state. About 70% of residents are engaged in agriculture Wheat and rice are the major crops. Haryana is self-sufficient in food production and the second largest contributor to India's central pool of food grains. The main crops of Haryana are wheat, rice, sugarcane, cotton, oilseeds, pulses, barley, maize, millet etc. There are two main types of crops in Haryana: Rabi and Kharif. The major Kharif crops of Haryana are rice, jowar, bajra, maize, cotton, jute, sugarcane, sesame and groundnut. For these crops the ground is prepared in April and May and the seeds are sown at the commencement of rains in June. The crops are ready for harvesting by the beginning of November. The major Rabi crops are wheat, tobacco, pulses, linseed, rapeseed and mustard. The ground is prepared by the end of October or the beginning of November and the crops are harvested by March.

An agricultural area in Haryana. The Jat community of Haryana is largely agrarian.

About 86% of the area is arable, and of that 96% is cultivated. About 75% of the area is irrigated, through tube wells and an extensive system of canals. Haryana contributed significantly to the Green Revolution in India in the 1970s that made the country self-sufficient in food production. The state has also significantly contributed to the field of agricultural education in the country. Asia's biggest agricultural University[33] - Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University is located at Hisar and it has made a significant contribution in ushering in the 'Green Revolution' in the state.

Dairy farming is also an essential part of the rural economy. Haryana has a livestock population of 98.97 lakh. Milk and milk products form an essential part of the local diet. There is the saying Desaan main des Haryana, jit doodh dahi ka khaana, which means "Best among all the countries in the world is Haryana, where the staple food is milk and yoghurt". Haryana, with 660 grams of availability of milk per capita per day, ranks at number two in the country as against the national average of 232 grams. There is a vast network of milk societies that support the dairy industry. The National Dairy Research Institute at Karnal, and the Central Institute for Research on Buffaloes at Hisar are instrumental in development of new breeds of cattle and propagation of these breeds through embryo transfer technology. The Murrah breed of water buffalo from Haryana is world-famous for its milk production.

Administrative Divisions

The state is divided into four divisions for administrative purpose - Ambala Division, Rohtak Division, Gurgaon Division and Hisar Division. There are 21 districts, 47 sub-divisions, 67 tehsils, 45 sub-tehsils and 116 blocks. Haryana has a total of 81 cities and towns and 6,759 villages.


The state of Haryana has made tremendous progress in the field of higher education since its inception. SCERT Haryana Gurgaon was established in April 1979. It was the conglomeration of State Institute of Education and State Institute of Science, to provide new dimensions to school education. It has been the endeavor of the government to make educational facilities available to the poorest of children. 32 primary schools, 69 middle schools and 101 high schools were upgraded to middle, high and senior secondary respectively during the year 2004-05. Now accessibility to schooling is available within the radius of 1.10 km, 1.38 km, 1.66 km and 2.79 km at the primary, middle, high and senior secondary levels respectively. During 2001-02, there were 11,013 primary schools, 1,918 middle schools, 3,023 high schools and 1,301 senior secondary schools in the state. Haryana Board of School Education, established in September 1969 and shifted to Bhiwani in 1981, conducts public examinations at middle, matriculation, and senior secondary levels twice a year. Over seven lac candidates attend annual examinations in February and March, and 150,000 attend supplementary examinations each November. The Board also conducts examinations for Haryana Open School at senior and senior secondary levels twice a year. The Haryana government provides free education to women up to the Bachelor's Degree level.

North Haryana is more developed in terms of education and agriculture because of more fertile land and water availability. People from South Haryana were mostly government employees, soldiers and politicians but agriculture has picked up a lot in recent years as a result of efforts from the Haryana Agricultural University, Hissar.

Pt. B.D. Sharma PGIMS Rohtak

Leading institutes for Technical and Engineering Education in Haryana are NIT Kurukshetra, University Institute of Engineering & Technology, University Campus (UIET, Kurukshetra University Kurukshetra), Deenbandhu Chhotu Ram University of Science and Technology, YMCA Institute of Engineering and the Technological Institute of Textile & Sciences, Bhiwani. Earlier NIT Kurukshetra was known by the name of Regional Engineering College, Kurukshetra. There are six universities in the state. Technical education and management studies are provided by Maharishi Dayanand University at Rohtak have a University Institute of Engineering & Technology, University Campus (UIET, Rohtak), Kurukshetra University at Kurukshetra, Guru Jambheshwar University of Science & Technology at Hisar and Chaudhary Devi Lal University at Sirsa. Chaudhary Charan Singh Haryana Agricultural University at Hisar is one of the biggest agricultural universities in Asia. It is engaged in education, research and development related to agriculture. The Holy Land where the University stands was first transformed into a centre of learning in 1936 by Bhagat Phool Singh Ji when he started a Gurukul for girls. The Gurukul was opened after he opened a boys Gurukul in 1919 in Bhainswal Kalan which today is the South Campus of the University. The Gurukul, started with only three students grew in size, stature and reputation with time and in November 2006, the Haryana Legislative Assembly passed a Legislative Notification, vide no. 31/2006 making the Gurukul a full-fledged State University

The National Dairy Research Institute at Karnal provides education in the field of dairy science. It has been upgraded to the level of a Deemed University. There are medical colleges in Rohtak, Mullana and Agroha. Pt. B.D. Sharma PGIMS Rohtak is a premier post-graduate medical institute in North India offering courses in major specialties and super specialties of medicine. There is also the Management Development Institute in Gurgaon, which is amongst the premier management institutes of India. The Technological Institute of Textile & Sciences came into existence in 1947.


Virender Sehwag born in Haryanvi Jat family
Vijender Singh Beniwal born in Bhiwani district in Haryana in Jat family.
Volleyball player Balwant Singh Sagwal born in Kaithal district in Haryana in a Ror family

Haryana is one of the leading states in sports and has produced some of the best Indian players in a variety of games. During the 33rd National games held in Assam in 2007, Haryana stood 4th in the with a medal tally of 80, including 30 Gold, 22 Silver and 28 Bronze medals. In team sports, Haryana is the national champion in men's volleyball and women's hockey. Haryana is a traditional powerhouse in games like Kabbadi, Kho-kho, Judo, Boxing, Volleyball and Wrestling. Sports in the state are managed by the Department of Sports & Youth Affairs, Haryana. Nahar Singh Stadium for international cricket was built in Faridabad in the year 1981. This ground has the capacity to hold around 25,000 people as spectators. The Tau Devi Lal Stadium in Panchkula is a multi-sport complex. It came into prominence because of the Indian Cricket League's inaugural Twenty20 tournament. Astroturf hockey grounds in Nehru Stadium, Gurgaon and Shahbad, Kurukshetra.

At the 2008 Olympics, Vijender Singh Beniwal won a middleweight (75 kg) bronze medal.


Ambala Division

Gurgaon Division

Hisar Division

Rohtak Division


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Located in the heartlands of haryana, 35kms from 
hisar, Mandi Adampur is a name that rings bells in 
everybody's mind. traditionally known through the 
great leader Bhajan Lal who has served as the CM 
of the state many a times,the rail and road connected 
place nowcontends for being one of the finestplaces
to have a dwelling has diversified from being a
hub of desi ghee production to a conglomeration of
Gwar and Cotton factories.the town has excellent 
educational facilities channeled through senior sec 
school for boys and girls, PG college, ITI, Polytechnic 
and Pharma colleges.The place has produced eminent 
personalities, Dhanpat Bhima former defence minister 
of Mauritous, serving as an epitome.And yes, if you are
into serenity and peace, the town offers a host of 
religious activities buzzling throughout the year,
through its numerous cultural societies.So just 
set a foot, and you'll see rudimenatary Haryanvi 
culture manifested in its true form.



AJAY SINGH CHOUTALAAjay Singh Chautala (born 13 March 1961) is a politician from Indian National Lok Dal party and a former Member of Rajya Sabha and Lok Sabha representing Haryana, the upper and lower house of the Indian Parliament. Currently he is serving as MLA in Haryana assembley representing Dabwali constituency.Biography
Ajay Singh Chautala (b. 13 March 1961) is son of Shri Om Prakash Chautala, Former Chief Minister of Haryana and grandson of Chaudhari Devi Lal. He did his B.A. from Kurukshetra University, M.A. (Public Administration) and LL.B. from Rajasthan University. He joined active politics in 1980s, became MLA from Rajasthan twice: first from Data Ram Garh (1989) and then from Nauhar (1993).[2] Former Deputy Prime Minister of India, Chaudhary Devi Lal, who was also his grand father, had special bonding and affection for Ajay. Ajay also consider his grand father Devi Lal to be his role model.
Ajay became member of Parli
ament from Bhiwani Constituency.[3] In the recently held Vidhan Sabha elections, He was the star campaigner besides his father & INLD president Om Parkash Chautala. He is currently Member of Legislative Assembly from Dabwali in Haryana as he defeated Dr K.V.Singh by more than 12,000 votes. Earlier he was elected as Rajya Sabha member from Haryana (Member of Parliament. He became President of the Youth Wing of Indian National Lok Dal and secretary General of Indian National Lokdal Party.
In addition to his active participation in political affairs, he snatches time to pursue his academic, sports & social commitments. He is also actively associated with cooperative movement and held the office of Director, IFFCO as well as Senior Vice President of IFFCO.
[1] Ajay Chautala has taken up various social causes like anti-polythene campaign, tree plantation drive, eye donation campaign etc.
He is also deeply interested in sports. He is President of the Table Tennis Federation of India(T
TFI) since year 2000.[4] Recently, He has been elected Vice President of Asian Table Tennis Union(ATTU) A widely traveled man, he has visited several countries of Asia, Europe, Australia, America, Africa, Japan, South Korea, China and Newzeland.[1]
Profession :Agriculturist/Farmer,Political Worker/Politician,Social Worker/Social Service
Permanent Address: H.No. 803, Chautala House, Ram Colony, Barnala Road, Sirsa, Haryana. Tel. - (Tel. {0
1666} 224015, 231129)
Positions Held:1990-98 Member, Rajasthan Legislative Assembly (two terms) 1999-Feb. 2004 Member, Thirteenth Lok Sabha Aug. 2004 Elected to Rajya Sabha Aug. 2004 onwards Member, Committee on Water Resources Dec. 2005 onwards Member, Committee on Papers Laid on the
Table Member, Consultative Committee for the Ministry of Tourism and Ministry of Culture
Books Pub
lished:(i) Ch. Devi Lal: Life, Work and Philosophy, Hope India Ltd., Gurgaon, 2003 and (ii) Pratispardha Ke Yug Mein Haryana, Pragati Press Ltd., Delhi, 2003
Social a
nd Cultural Activities, Literary, Artistic and Scientific Accomplishments and other Special Interests :Special interest in social, cultural, literary and scientific activities in the State of Haryana; got an academy established in 2002 in order to keep the culture of Haryana alive
Sports, Clubs, Favourite Pastimes and Recreation :President, (i) Haryana Table Tennis Association Pastimes and Recreation since 1987, (ii) Table Tennis Federation of India since 2000 and (iii) Table Tennis Federation of Commonwealth since 2000; table tennis, volleyball and wrestling
Countries Visited :Visited several countries including U.S.A., U.K., China, Canada, Japan, Russia, Australia, Pakis
tan, Democratic Peoples' Republic of Korea (North Korea), South Korea, Kenya, New Zealand, Austria, France, Switzerland, Abu Dhabi (U.A.E), Hungary, South Africa, Denmark and Germany
Other Information :Officiating as Head of Ch. Devi Lal Vidyapeeth, Sirsa, an institution which is working i
n the field of education and being run by Ch. Devi Lal Memorial Trust; Chairman, Sirsa Milk Union, 1987–90; Director, IFFCO, 2000–2004; Chief Patron, Indian National Students Organization (I.N.S.O.)
Member of the Vidhan Sabha from Haryana
Assumed office December 2009
Member of the
Indian Parliamentfor Bhiwani
In office1999 – February 2004
Born -March 13, 1961 (1961-03-13) (age 49)
Chautala, Sirsa District, Haryana, India
Nationality -Indian
Political party -
Indian National Lok Dal
Spouse(s) -Shrimati Nayna Singh Chautala
Children -2

Residence -Sirsa District, HaryanaAlma mater -Kurukshetra University
ation -Agricultralist

Ashok Tanwar
Dr. Ashok Tanwar (born 12 February 1976) is an Indian politician, a former president of Indian Youth Congress and present Member of Parliament from Sirsa.He was the youngest person to take over the prestigious position of president of Indian Youth Congress. He is valued as much for being a dalit as for his membership of the Jawaharlal Nehru University network.
Early life
He was born in Jhajjar area of Haryana to Dilbag Singh and Krishna rathi. He went to Jawaharlal Nehru University's centre for Historical studies and completed his M.A., M.Phil Ph.D.(History).
Political career
Dr. Ashok Tanwar started his career as an activist of the NSUI in JNU.
Rise in Politics
Tanwar is among the rising young leaders of Congress party.He is very close to Rahul Gandhi, Who is in charge of the Youth Congress. Tanwar’s USP is the JNU connection at a time the Congress’s student wing, the National Students Union of India, barely has a presence on the campus.Whenever he contested the president’s post in JNU, he got more votes than anyone else (from the NSUI).Tanwar took over as the NSUI secretary in 1999 and became its president in 2003.With two major straight wins in the Delhi University Students' Union (DUSU) elections since he took over in 2003 and a major improvement in the NSUI performance in the Left dominated JNU, Tanwar had stressed the need for more discipline among NSUI activists during his tenure as its president.
Youth Congress TenureIn Ashok Tanwar’s term as president of Indian Youth Congress, the focus to strengthen the "IYC" had shifted to auditoriums, workshops and seminars. Stress on street plays and social work was put to highlight the problems faced by public. Under the leadership of Ashok Tanwar, several programmes highlighting social issues were taken up across the country. The concept of Aam Aadmi Ka Sipahi (AAKS) was implemented during his tenure. The programmes meant for empowering youth has been given special significance and as part of that Rahul ji's vision has been given shape through these programmes.Indian Youth Congress had progressed very much under his leadership.
A special aspect of the programmes undertaken during his tenure shows that they have been undertaken in a decentralized manner involving the block, district and state level youth congress. He had given special attention to meritocracy in the organization. This is reflected in the plans to hold organizational elections in all the states. Now, elections are already been held in Punjab and Gujarat, where youth in mass numbers irrespective of the walks of life have joined youth congress to strengthen the organiation thus strengthening the base of Congress party in all the states.
2009 Lok Sabha Elections
He was nominated by the Congress party to contest the Lok Sabha elections 2009 from Sirsa in Haryana and won the seat by defeating his nearst rival Dr. Sita Ram of INLD by a margin of 35499 votes . This win was more significant than any other candidate in Haryana as Sirsa is home district to heavy weight leader of Haryana politics Chaudhary Om Prakash Chautala and Ashok Tanwar got less than a month time in constituency to win the battle. With this win, Ashok Tanwar has emerged himself as a leader of National repute as he was one of young candidates handpicked by congress's general secretary Rahul Gandhi to contest the 2009 Lok Sabha election.
Personal life
In June 2005, Ashok Tanwar married to Avantika Maken, a divorced and daughter of Lalit Maken and maternal grand daughter of former Indian President, Dr. Shankar Dayal Sharma. They have two sons and one daughter.
Dr. Ashok Tanwar-Member of Parliament
In office2009 - incumbent
Preceded by-
Atma Singh Gill
Indian Youth Congress
In office2005 - 2010
Preceded by-
Randeep Surjewala
Succeeded by-
Rajiv Satav
In office2003-2005
Preceded by-
Meenakshi Natarajan
by-Nadeem Javed
Born-February 12, 1976 (1976-02-12) (age 34)
Political party-
Indian National Congress
Spouse(s)-Avantika Maken
New Delhi
As of March 20, 2010

Bhajan L

Bhajan Lal (Hindi: भजन लाल) (born October 6, 1930) is a politician from the state of Haryana in India now residing in sector 15 of Hisar.
Early lifeBhajan Lal was born in Koranwali, Bahawalpur District, now in Punjab (Pakistan) in a Bishnois sub-caste, and has two sons, Chander Mohan Bishnoi, and Kuldeep Bishnoi.
Political career
Bhajan Lal was the chief minister of the Haryana state twice, his first term from June 28, 1979 to July 5, 1985, and his second term from July 23, 1991 to May 11, 1996. He had also served as a union cabinet minister at the centre, holding the Agriculture and Environments & Forest portfolios during Rajiv Gandhi's administration. He has been a central point in Haryana politics, representing the non-Jat caste groups of the state.
The victory of the Indian National Congress in Haryana's 2005 elections caused a major rift in its state unit, as it opted to make Bhupinder Hooda, a Jat, the Chief Minister instead of Bhajan. Although he initially cooled down, speculation over his departure from the party was ended in March 2007, when he officially announced he would form a new party, called the Haryana Janhit Congress. The key event that brought this about was the suspension of his son Kuldeep Bishnoi from the Indian National Congress, for criticizing the party's central leaders. Bhajan has said that Kuldeep and Chander Mohan, who is Haryana's Deputy Chief Minister, would join his party.
2009 Lok Sabha Elections
Bhajan Lal fought election from Hissar and defeated two prominent politicians of Haryana politics, Sampat Singh and Jai Parkash in a high profile battle. This battle was so intense that it led to an infighting among the INLD soon after the results were declared. This eventually led to Professor Sampat Singh's resignation from INLD after 32 years ties with the party, leaving the party in a state of turmoil.
2009 State Assembly Elections
Haryana Janhit Congress of Bhajanlal won 6 seats but 5 of its MLAs left the party and joined Indian National Congress leaving Kuldeep Bishnoi as alone legislator of the party. Also, in a big jolt to the party, Smt Jasma Devi, wife of Bhajanlal was defeated by Prof Sampat Singh in Nalwa by a big margin of 10901 votes.
Bhajan Lal
Chief Minister of Haryana
Born -6 October 1930 (1930-10-06) (age 79)
ence -Chandigarh

Bansi Lal
Chaudhary Bansi Lal (August 26, 1927 – March 28, 2006) (Hindi: चौधरी बंसी लाल) was an Indian freedom fighter, senior Congress leader, former Chief Minister of Haryana and considered by many to be the architect of modern Haryana. He was born in a Jat family of Golagarh village in Bhiwani district of Haryana. He served three separate terms as Chief Minister
of Haryana: 1968-75, 1985-87, and 1996-99. Bansi Lal was considered a close confidante of former Prime Minister Indira Gandhi and her son Sanjay Gandhi during the Emergency era in 1975. He served as the Defence Minister from December 1975 to March 1977, and had a brief stint as a Minister Without Portfolio in the Union government in 1975. He also held the Railways and Transport portfolios. Lal was elected to the State Assembly seven times, the first time in 1967. He set up Haryana Vikas Party after parting ways with the Indian National Congress in 1996.
Bansi Lal studied at the Punjab University Law College, Jalandhar. In 1972, the Kurukshetra University and the Haryana Agricultural University awarded him honorary degrees of Doctor of Law and Doctor of Science respectively.
Political career
As a free
dom fighter, He was secretary of Parja mandal in the Loharu State, from 1943 to 1944.
Lal was president of the Bar Association, Bhiwani from 1957 to 1958. He was president of District Congress Committee, Hissar, from 1959 to 1962 and later became member of Congress Working Committee and Congress Parliamentary Board.
He was a
member of Punjab Pradesh Congress Committee between 1958 and 1962.
He was also the chairman of the Committee of Parliament and Committee on Public Undertakings
, 1980-82, and the Committee on Estimates, 1982-84.
He became rail
ways minister on December 31, 1984 and later minister for transport.
He was a Rajya Sabha member from 1960 to 2006 and 1976 to 1980. He was a Lok Sabha member—1980 t
o 1984, 1985 to 1986 and 1989 to 1991.
After he
parted company with Congress in 1996, Bansi Lal set up Haryana Vikas Party and his campaign against prohibition propelled him to power in the assembly polls the same year.
Chief Ministe
r of Haryana
Bansi Lal be
came the Chief Minister of Haryana four times in 1968, 1972, 1986 and 1996. He was the third chief minister of Haryana after Bhagwat Dayal Sharma and Rao Birender Singh. He became Haryana chief minister for the first time on May 31, 1968 and remained in office till March 13, 1972. On March 14, 1972, he occupied the top post in the state for the second time and was in office till November 30, 1975. The third and fourth times he was appointed chief minister was from June 5, 1986 to June 19, 1987 and May 11, 1996 to July 23, 1999.
Bansi Lal was elected to the state assembly seven times, the first time being in 1967. After Haryana
was formed in 1966, much of the state's industrial and agricultural development, especially creation of infrastructure, took place due to Lal's initiatives. He was elected to the state assembly for seven times in 1967, 1968, 1972, 1986, 1991 and 2000. He was responsible for electrifying all villages in Haryana during his tenure as chief minister in the late sixties and seventies. He was also the pioneer of highway tourism in the state - a model later adopted by a number of states. He is regarded by many as an "Iron man" who was always close to reality and took keen interest in the upliftment of the community.
Bansi Lal did
not contest the assembly elections in 2005 but his sons Surender Singh and Ranbir Singh Mahendra were elected to the state assembly. Surender Singh died in a helicopter crash near Saharanpur in Uttar Pradesh in 2005.
Role in emergency
Bansi Lal was in the limelight when Emergency was imposed by the then Prime Minister Indira Gandhi in 1975. He was a confidante of Indira Gandhi and her son Sanjay Gandhi during the controversial Emergency days in 1975. He along with Sanjay Gandhi was said to be responsible
for various steps during the Emergency.
He was the defence minister from December 21, 1975 to March 24, 1977 and a minister without po
rtfolio in the Union government from December 1, 1975 to December 20, 1975.
A widely tr
aveled person
Bansi Lal vis
ited a number of countries, including Myanmar, Afghanistan, erstwhile USSR, Mauritius, Tanzania, Zambia, Seychelles, United Kingdom, Kuwait, Greece, West Germany, The Netherlands, Belgium, France and Italy.
Bansi Lal died in New Delhi on 28 March 2006. He had been unwell for quite some time.
Political Legacy

Ch.Bansi Lal's elder son, Ch. Ranbir Singh Mahendra,is a Member of the Legislative Assembly (2005) from Mundhal constituency. Ch. Ranbir Singh is also an ex BCCI president and being the eldest son of Ch. Bansi Lal, he naturally is looked up to as the torch bearer of Ch. Bansi Lal's political legacy

Bhupinder Singh Hooda
Bhupinder Singh Hooda (Hindi: भूपिंदर सिंह हुड्डा) (born September 15, 1947) is an Indian politician, a leader of the Indian National Congress and the current Chief Minister of Haryana.[1] He became the chief minister of Haryana for the first time in March 2005. After the Haryana assembly elections, 2009, he again became the chief minister in October 2009.
Early life
Bhupinder Singh Hooda was born at village Sanghi to Choudhary Ranbir Singh, in a Hooda family gotra Jats in Rohtak district.
He is an Alumnus of Sainik school, Kunjpara[2]. He did his B.A., LL.B. was educated at Punjab University, Chandigarh and University of Delhi, Delhi
Political career
Previously, he has been a Member of Indian Parliament (Lok Sabha) for four terms in 1991,1996,1998,2004 and the Leader of Opposition in Haryana's Legislative Assembly from 2001 to 2004. Ch. B.S. Hooda also served as the President of HPCC (Haryana Pradesh Congress Committee) from 1996 to 2001. For three consecutive Lok Sabha terms he entered Indian Parliament defeating Ch. Devilal another tall Jat leader in famous electoral battles fought in the Jat heartland of Rohtak in Haryana. Mr. Hooda is well known for leading various farmer movements in Haryana. He is from the Indian National Congress. He is also a Member of the Bar Council of Punjab and Haryana.
He attended international Conferences like World Youth Festival in U.S.S.R, World Parliamentary Conference in China, International Conference in USSR as a delegate of AICC and OISCA and International Conferences in Japan and South Korea.
He is also President, All India Young Farmers’ Association, Haryana ; Ex-Member, Market Committee, Rohtak; Director, Bank of India, 1989-92; Secretary, Farmers’ Parliamentary Forum, 1991 onwards; Founder-Member and Working President of All India Freedom Fighters’ Successors’ Organisation; Working President, National Federation Railway Porters, Vendors and Bearers. Elected as a President for the Khadi & Village Industries Commission Employees Union & Patron for the National Khadi & Village Industries Board's Employees Federation - an apex body of all State K&V.I Board's Employees Unions.
Bhupinder Singh Hooda again nominated by Congress President Sonia Gandhi on Saturday as Chief Minister of Haryana after tough political battle among other leaders.[3]
During his first term as Chief Ministership, Bhupender Singh Hooda led many schemes and also led Congress to state power once again. Mr Hooda is credited with clean image and bringing people with mass base into Congress party.
[edit] Personal life
Hooda married Asha Dahiya in 1976. They have a son, Deepender Singh Hooda, a Member Parliament and a daughter who is married to Kunal Bhadoo of fatehabad dist. Deepender had an unsuccessful married life and divorce with his earlier wife. He married to Swetha Mirdha on 21 Feb 2010 in Jaipur.
[edit] Positions held
1972-1977 - President, Block Congress Committee, Kiloi,Haryana
1980-87 - Senior Vice-president, Haryana Pradesh Youth Congress, Chairman of Panchayat Samiti Rohtak, Chairman of Panchayat Parishad of Haryana.
1991 - Elected to 10th Lok Sabha
1996 - Re-elected to 11th Lok Sabha (2nd term)
1998 - Re-elected to 12th Lok Sabha (3rd Term)
2000 - Elected to 9th Haryana Vidhan Sabha from Kiloi constituency.
2002-2004 - Leader of Opposition in Haryana Assembly
2005 - Elected to 10th Haryana Vidhan Sabha (bye-election from Kiloi) with a record margin of 1,03,635 vote. March 5, 2005 - Sworn in as Chief Minister of Haryana
2009 - Elected to 11th Haryana Vidhan Sabha from "Haryana - Garhi Sampla-Kiloi" and got 89849 Votes.
October 25, 2009 - Sworn in as Chief Minister of Haryana for the second time
Bhupinder Singh Hooda-led government has been accused by Opposition parties that he has “focused its entire development on Rohtak, Jhajjar and Sonepat” [4]and ignoring Southern Haryana mainly Bagri Belt- Hisar, Sirsa, Fatehabad, Bhiwani and Ahirwal belt that includes Gurgaon and Rewari. Moreover North Haryana is always ignorned esp. Karnal, Kaithal, Y.Nager, Kurukshetra and Ambala.
Bhupinder Singh Hooda- Chief Minister of Haryana
Constituency - Garhi Sampla-Kiloi
Assumed office
5 March 2005
Preceded by- Om Prakash Chautala
Assumed office -23 Oct 2009
Born -15 September 1947 (1947-09-15) (age 62)
Sanghi village, Rohtak district,
Nationality -Indian
Political party- Indian National Congress
Spouse(s) -Asha Hooda
Children- son Dipender Singh, MP and a daughter.
Occupation- Politician

Chaudhary Devi Lal
Chaudhary Devi Lal Sihag (1914–2001) (Hindi: चौधरी देवी लाल) was an Indian politician, freedom fighter, Chief Minister of the state of Haryana and Deputy Prime Minister of India. He was born in a Jat Hindu family of Sihag clan on 25 September 1914 in Teja Khera village of Sirsa district in Haryana, India. His mother's name was Shugna Devi and father's name was Ch. Lekh Ram Sihag.Ch. Lekh Ram was a wealthy Jat landlord of Chautala village and he owned 2750 bighas of land. Ch. Devi Lal, whose original name was Devi Dayal, received education up to middle and also trained as a wrestler at an 'Akhara' in Badal village (Punjab). On Mahatma Gandhi's call, both he and his elder brother Ch Sahib Ram, left their studies unfinished to take part in the freedom movement.His son Om Prakash Chautala is also a former Chief Minister of the state of Haryana . He belongs to the Jat clan of Bagris.
Freedom fighter

Chaudhari Devi Lal was a follower of Mahatma Gandhi and was actively involved in the struggle for Indian independence from the British Raj. On Mahatma Gandhi's call, both he and his elder brother Ch Sahib Ram, left their studies unfinished to take part in the freedom movement. For this he was sentenced to one year rigorous imprisonment and sent to Hissar jail on 8 Oct, 1930. He took part in the movement of 1932 and was kept in Sadar Delhi Thana. In 1938 he was selected delegate of All India Congress Committee. In March 1938 his elder brother Ch. Sahib Ram was elected M.L.A. in a by-election on the Congress party ticket. In January, 1940 Ch. Sahib Ram courted arrest as a 'satyagrahi' in the presence of Ch. Devi Lal and over ten thousand people. He was fined Rs 100 and sentenced to 9 months imprisonment. Ch. Devi Lal was arrested on 5 October 1942 and kept in jail for 2 years for taking part in the 1942 Quit India movement. Therefore in 1942, Ch. Lekh Ram's both sons, Ch. Sahib Ram and Ch. Devi Lal were in the Multan jail for taking part in the freedom struggle. Ch. Devi Lal was released from prison in October, 1943 and he got his elder brother Ch. Sahib Ram released on parole. In August 1944, Sir Chhotu Ram the then Revenue Minister, visited Chautala village. He, along wi th Lajpat Rai Alakhpura, made efforts to woo both Ch. Sahib Ram and Ch. Devi Lal to desert Congress and join the Unionist Party. But both workers, being dedicated freedom fighters, refused to leave the Cong ress Party.
Post independence
After independence, he emerged as a popular leader of farmers in India and Ch Devi Lal started a farmer's movement and was arrested along with his 500 workers. After some time, then Chief Minister Dr. Gopi Chand Bhargawa made an agreement and Muzzara act was amended. He was elected member of Punjab Assembly in 1952, Congress president of Punjab in 1956. He played an active and decisive role in the formation of Haryana as a separate state. In 1958 he was elected fro m Sirsa. In 1971 he left the Congress after being in it for 39 years. He was elected in 1974 from Rori constituency against Congress. In 1975 Indira Gandhi declared emergency, and Ch. Devi Lal along with all opposition leaders was sent to jail for 19 months in Hissar Jail and Mahendergarh fort. In 1977 emergency ended and general elections were held. He was elected on Janata Party ticket and became the Chief Minister of Haryana. For his steadf ast opposition to Emergency and dictatorial misrule, he became known as Sher-e-Haryana (Lion of Haryana). He remained member of parliament from 1980 to 1982 and member of State assembly from 1982-1987. He formed Lok Dal and started Nyaya Yudh under 'Haryana Sangharsh S amiti' and became hugely popular among masses. In 1987 state elections, the alliance led by Ch. Devi Lal won a record victory winning 85 seats in the 90 member house. Congress was routed in the state winning only 5 seats. Chaudhary Devi Lal became the Chief Minister of Haryana for the second time. In the 1989 parliamentary election, he was simultaneously elected, both from Sikar in Rajasthan and Rohtak in Haryana. He twice became Deputy Prime Minister of India in two different governments. He was elected to Rajya Sabha in August, 1998. Later his son Sh. O. P. Chautala also became the Chief Minister of Haryana. After independence, Chaudhary Devi Lal emerged as a leader of farmers. During his two tenures as chief minister of Haryana he made several decisions benefiting farmers and rural people. He always took decision s about the betterment of common people. His popularity among farmers and rural people, earned him the title of 'Tau' (Elder Uncle). Chaudhary Devilal gave many good politicians to haryana, rather he groomed many simple people to be good politicians. Chaudhary Devi Lal died on April 6, 2001. Popular as Tau
While in power, Chaudhari Devi Lal is credited for having taken several decisions in the interest of the farming community and the rural pe ople, among whom he is popularly known as 'Tau' (Elder Uncle). He died on April 6, 2001 at the age of 86. He was cremated at "Kisan Ghat" on the banks of the river Yamuna. "Kisan Ghat" is the samadhi of another popular leader of the farmers, Choudhary Charan Singh, former Prime Minister of India. Chaudhari Devi Lal-Deputy Prime Minister of India and Minister for Home Affairs
In office19 October 1989 – 21 June 1991
Prime Minister-
Vishwanath Pratap SinghChandra Shekhar Preceded by-Yashwantrao Chavan (Deputy from 1980)
ed by -Lal Krishna Advani (Deputy from 2002) Born-Sirsa, Haryana, British India Died-April 6, 2001 (aged 86)New Delhi, India Political party-Indian National Lok Dal Occupation-politician

Jai Parkash1984-87 President, Lok Dal, District Jind, Haryana, 1987-90 President, Yuva Lok Dal, Haryana, 1989 Elected to 9th Lok Sabha, 1990-91 Member, Subject Committee on Forests and Environment, Member, Consultative Committee, Ministry of Petroleum and Chemicals, Nov. 1990-June 1991 Union Deputy Minister, Ministry of Petroleum, Chemical and Communications, Secretary, Samajwadi Janata Party, President, Yuva Janata Dal, Junior Vice-President, Haryana Vikas Party, 1996 Re-elected to 11th Lok Sabha (2nd term), 2000-2004 Member, Haryana Legislative Assembly, Chief Whip, Congress Legislature Party, Haryana Legislative Assembly, 2004 Re-elected to 14th Lok Sabha (3rd term), Member, Committee on Papers Laid on the TableJai Parkash (born 2 December 1954) was a member of the 14th Lok Sabha of India. He represented the Hissa r constituency of Haryana and is a member of the Indian National Congress (INC) political party. He is notoriously known as a politician who is never committed to a single party but always committed to his personal political will. As a Congress candidate, Jai Prakash gave a tough fight to Kuldeep Bishnoi in his home constituency Adampur in Oct 2009 elections but lost with a narrow margin of 6000 votes. Jai Parkash-Former MP Constituency-Hissar
Born-2 December 1954 (1954
-12-02) (age 55)Kaithal, Haryana Political party-INC Spouse(s)-Savitri Devi Saharan
Children-1 son and 1 daughter

Kuldeep Bishnoi
Kuldeep Bishnoi (born 22 September 1968) was a member of the 14th Lok Sabha representing the Bhiwani constituency in Haryana.He is son of former chief minister of Haryana Bhajan Lal.He has floated his own party named Haryana Janhit Congress when his father was denied chief ministerial post after 2005 assembly elections.
2009 State Assembly Elections
Kuldeep and his party, Haryana Janhit Congress won 6 seats in state assembly elections in Oct 2009. He won from Adampur seat with a narrow margin of 6000 votes. This was the lowest margin ever got by Bhajan Lal family in Adampur seat, a pocket borough of the family. But Kuldeep's mother, Jasma Devi got an embarrassing defeat by the hands of Prof Sampat Singh in Nalwa cosntituency by a margin of 10901 votes. It was first defeat for Kuldeep's family in Haryana politics ever after formation of the state.
The worst jolt came to Kuldeep Bishnoi in first week of Nov 2009 when his negotiation talks with Congress party failed and 5 out of 6 legislators of his party merged with the ruling Congress party in Haryana. Kuldeep was left alone in the party. Kuldeep however showed strong commitment to stay aflot with the party and not to join Congress.
Kuldeep Bishnoi Born -22 September 1968 (1968-09-22) (age 41) Hisar, Haryana Political party- HJC Spouse(s)-Renuka Bishnoi Children- 2 sons (Bhavya and Chaitanya) and 1 daughter (Sia) Residence- New Delhi, Hisa r

Naveen Jindal
Naveen Jindal (born 9 March 1970) is a Member of Parliament, India since 2004 representing the Kurukshetra constituency in the state of Haryana. He is a member of the Congress Party. He is an industrialist with operations located in Madhya Pradesh and Chhattisgarh. He runs the rail & steel and power businesses of the Jindal Group, the fourth largest private sector Indian business group by assets and sales turnover. The Jindal group was founded by his father O. P. Jindal.
Prior to 2002, the Flag code of India did not permit flying of the Flag of India on non governmental institutions. In 2001, a case was filed against Naveen Jindal for flying the Flag of India atop his company building. He said that he was inspired by his American friends displaying their flag during his college days in USA and he believed that flying the national flag should be the right of every Indian. He took the case to the Delhi High Court and the Supreme Court of India and won both cases. The Supreme Court ordered the Government of India to set aside a committee to look into this matter. Finally on January 26, 2002 (India's Republic Day), private citizens were allowed to fly India's flag inside and atop their buildings and institutions. His story was reported widely in the right-wing Indian media which hailed him as a liberator.
Personal life
Mr Jindal owns 45 horses and a polo team.
Naveen Jindal- MP Constituency- Kurukshetra Born-March 9, 1970 (1970-03-09) (age 40) Hissar, Haryana, India Political party-INC Spouse(s)-Shallu [1] Children-1 son and 1 daughter Residence-Kurukshetra Religion-Hindu

Om Prakash Chautala
Om Prakash Chautala (born January 1, 1935) is a politician from the state of Haryana. He is the Leader of Opposition in Haryana. He is the leader of the INLD (Indian National Lok Dal), a Haryana based political party in India, with support in Delhi, Chandigarh, Uttar Pradesh, Rajasthan. He has been Chief Minister of Haryana state , for three times.In the 2005 Haryana state assembly elections, INLD lost its majority, subsequently the Congress won and Bhupinder Singh Hooda became the Chief Minister of Haryana. But in Assembly elections of 2009, his party made a great come back by winning 32 out of 90 seats leaving Congress at 40 only and re-establishing itself as a force in Haryana.
Indicting the former CM, his two sons, Abhay and Ajay, and their wives for amassing disproportionate assets worth Rs 1,467 crore, the CBI has filed a chargesheet in a Delhi Court. The CBI has submitted that Om Prakash Chautala and his family acquired more than 80 properties in diffe rent parts of India from 1993 to 2006.
In his Career he has represented the constituencies of Ellenabad, Rori, Narwana and Uchana Kalan (defeating INC heavy weight Birender Singh Grandson of Ch. Chotu Ram).
Chautala is the son of Chaudhari Devi Lal, a former deputy prime minister of India. He was born in a Sihag Jat family.
Om Prakash Chautala had his education at his native village and later on at Sangria and Dabwali. During his third tenure as chief minister, he initiated the high scale urban development work in Gurgaon, one of the fastest developing cities in Asia. He is a widely travelled politician covering every sphere of the globe.
Om Prakash Chautala was the Chief Minister of Haryana for the following terms:
December 2, 1989 to May 22, 1990
July 12, 1990 to July 17, 1990
July 24, 1999 to March 4, 2005
Chautala has been elected to the Haryana state assembly seven times, 1970, 1990, 1993, 1996, 2000, 2005 and 2009 . He remained a member of the Rajya Sabha from 1987 to 1990.
Chautala was appointed convener of the Anti-Dunkel Rally held on March 18, 1994 at Delhi. He remained memb er of important committees of the Rajya Sabha and Haryana Vidhan Sabha. He has two sons, Ajay Singh Chautala and Abhey Singh Chautala. Ajay Singh Chautala has been MP of Lok Sabha(1999-2004) & Rajya Sabha(2005-2009). Ajay is also popular leader and has been three times MLA, presently he is MLA from Dabwali, whereas two time MLA from Rajasthan Vidhan Sabha (Data Ramgarh-1989-1994 & Nohar- 1994-1998).
An honorary citizenship of Texas, United States of America has been granted to him.

Randeep Singh Surjewala
Randeep Singh Surjewala (born 3 June 1967) is an Indian politician belonging to Congress party. He is an MLA in the Haryana State Legislature and the current Water Supply and Sanitation, Parliamentary Affairs, Electronics and Information Technology, Science and Technology and Public Works (Building and Roads). minister in Haryana cabinet[1]. In 2005, he was given the Transport and Parliamentary Affairs becoming the youngest Minister in Haryana. In 1996 and 2005 he defeated Om Prakash Chautala on both occasions.
Early life
Randeep Singh Surjewala was born in Chandigarh the youngest and fourth child of Ch. Shamsher Singh Surjewala, and Vidya. His father was then Minister for Agriculture & Co-operatives in the First Ministry of State of Haryana. During the Partition of India in 1947, his mother along with her family and settled in Hisar in Haryana. He has three elder sisters – Madhu Dalal, Poonam Chaudhery and Neeru.
He went to Adarsh Bal Mandir and Arya Higher Secondary School, Narwana. He did his Bachelor of Commerce (Hons.) (1981-85) from DAV School and his Bachelor of Law degree (1985-88) from Faculty of Law, Panjab University, Chandigarh. During his years in Law Faculty, he remained Member of the Consultative Committee of the Faculty as also Chairman of the Lawyer’s Forum. He was also awarded his Master’s degree in Political Science by the same University in April, 1995.
His father role in India’s Freedom struggle started in 1940’s as President of Student Congress in District Sangrur (erstwhile Punjab). His father was expelled from Yadvindra State High School by the ruler of Sangrur for espousing the agenda of Indian National Congress. In September, 1957; his father started his law practice as an ace lawyer specializing in criminal law and jurisprudence but amiably graduated to grassroots politics getting elected first as Managing Director of Central Co-operative Bank, Sangur in 1959-60 and then as Chairman of Panchayat Samiti, Kalayat (now in District Kaithal) in the year 1961 and again in 1964. Randeep’s father is also a veteran Parliamentarian having been elected to Haryana Legislative Assembly in 1967, 1977, 1982, 1991 and 2005 and to Indian Parliament in the year 1993.
CareerAs a lawyer
Randeep Surjewala started his practice as an advocate at 21 in 1988. He commenced his practice with the solicitors firm ‘Shroff & Company, New Delhi’ in the year 1988 and later in the High Court of Punjab & Haryana at Chandigarh in 1991. Besides corporate and commercial litigation, he took up issues relating to farmers for their land.
Political career
Randeep Singh Surjewala became popular with high profile litigation in the Supreme Court. During 1977-80, his father's lasting loyalty and commitment, then Leader of Congress Legislature Party, for the resurgence of Indira Gandhi and the Indian National Congress.
Organisational roles
At the age of 17, he was appointed as the youngest General Secretary of Haryana Pradesh Youth Congress. He was also appointed as the Youngest Senator of the Punjab University, Chandigarh in 1992. He also remained a Member of the Faculty Consultative Committee in the Law Faculty. He was again the youngest member to the syndicate of Punjab University, Chandigarh from 1995-96 and member of Academic Council, Member of Joint Consultative Committee and Youth Affairs Committee of the Punjab University Chandigarh. He also served as Chairman of the Haryana Lawyers’ Forum from 1990-95. From 1987-90, he was an active participant to rebuild the Congress in Haryana alongside his father, then PCC President.
He was in April, 1986 as youngest Joint Secretary of Haryana State Youth Congress and then as General Secretary. In March, 2000; Randeep became first ‘Haryanvi’ to be appointed as the National President of the Indian Youth Congress (IYC). He continued to be the President uptill February, 2005, thus making it the longest tenure in the history of IYC. In August, 2004, he was appointed as Secretary of All India Congress Committee, the youngest office bearer. In the run-up to the Assembly elections in Haryana, he was appointed as Working President of Haryana Pradesh Congress Committee in December, 2004 at the age of 37, the youngest President of PCC in the State.
On 20 August, 2002; Youth Congress set up a world record of blood donation by organizing donation of 14,089 units of blood in a single day.
He contested four elections to the Haryana Legislative Assembly, 1993 bye election, 1996, 2000 and 2005. The party chose to field him against former Chief Minister, Om Prakash Chautala. He won in 1996 and 2005 defeating him on both occasions, a historical victory over, then sitting Chief Minister, a first in Northern India.
As a Minister
In March, 2005, Randeep was inducted as youngest Cabinet Minister in Haryana Cabinet headed by Chief Minister, Bhupinder Singh Hooda with portfolios of Transport & Civil Aviation; PWD (Water Supply & Sanitation) and Parliamentary Affairs. Since September, 2007; Randeep was a Minister for Power; PWD (Water Supply & Sanitation) and Parliamentary Affairs and heads the Standing Policy Framing Committee on Civil Aviation. In November 2009, Randeep Singh Surjewala became Cabinet minister in Haryana Government, and holds the portfolios of Water Supply and Sanitation, Parliamentary Affairs, Electronics and Information Technology, Science and Technology and Public Works (Building and Roads) Department.[2]
He was appointed as Secretary of All Indian Congress Committee and Office In- charge of Uttar Pradesh affairs in August 2004. He was appointed as working President of Haryana. Surjewala was appointed as working President of Haryana Congress Committee in December 2004. He was the youngest person in the country to hold this office.
Social causes
A successful attempt was made to channelize the energy of Youth Congress for social causes by organizing collection and dispatch of 121 fodder trucks to drought-affected areas of Rajasthan, particularly ‘GAUSHALAS’ (May 7, 2000); a ‘JAL VITRAN ABHIYAN’ by supplying over 50,00,000 litres of water for four drought-affected districts of Rajasthan over a period of 30 days through 10 huge tankers and volunteers (May 30, 2000); a similar ‘JAL VITRAN ABHIYAN’ for the drought-affected areas of Jamnagar, Porbandar and Surender Nagar in Gujarat by supplying over 15,00,000 litres of water (May 31, 2000); setting up camp at Bhuj, Gujarat (epic-centre) post-devastation by killer earthquake for 30 days and distributing material worth over Rs.100 lakhs (January 26, 2001); collecting and dispatching 50 truck loads carrying 500 tons of relief material for the earthquake victims of Gujarat (February 4, 2001); collecting and dispatching eight truck loads carrying 720 quintals of wheat for border displaced persons of Jammu region (May 26, 2002); collecting and dispatching 30 truck loads carrying 2,700 quintals of wheat as 2nd installment for displaced persons of Jammu region (May 27, 2002); Launching ‘EK MUTHI ANAJ’ scheme to collect ‘one million kilograms’ of wheat for drought-affected areas of Rajasthan and dispatching 100 truck loads carrying 9,00,000 kilograms of wheat (May 27, 2003); sending a 2nd installment comprising 50 truck loads carrying 4,50,000 kilograms for drought-affected areas of Rajasthan (July 18, 2003) and collected and sent 4,000 quintals of wheat for flood-affected districts of Sitamari, Madhubani, Sahasrsa and Darbhanga in Bihar (Sept., 2004). These small steps go a long way in resolution of a wider magnitude of humanitarian problems.
Personal life
Randeep Surjewala is married to Gayatri in December, 1991 and has two sons, Arjun and Aditya.

Selja Kumari
Selja Kumari (born 24 September 1962) is a member of the 15th Lok Sabha of India as a member of the Indian National Congress (INC) political party. She was also a member of the previous Lok sabha and a minister of state (independent charge) of Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation in the UPA government.
Early life
Selja Kumari was born in New Delhi to the dalit leader Chaudhary Dalbir Singh. She studied at the elite Convent of Jesus and Mary School in New Delhi and has a M.Phil from Punjab University[disambiguation needed].
Political career
She began her political career in the Mahila Congress becoming its President in 1990. One of the seniormost dalit leaders within the Congress party, she was elected to the 10th Lok Sabha in 1991 from Sirsa in Haryana. She was Union Minister of State for Education and Culture in the Narasimha Rao-led Congress government. Despite the Congress debacle in Haryana in 1996 she was reelected to the Lok Sabha.
In 2004, she was elected to the Lok Sabha representing the Ambala constituency of Haryana. She was Union Minister of State (Independent Charge) Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation in the Manmohan Singh-led UPA government.On 16th May 2009; she has once again been re-elected from the same constituency making this her second consecutive victory from Ambala and was given an elevation to Cabinet rank holding portfolios of Housing, Urban Poverty Alleviation, Tourism and Culture.

Shruti Choudhry
Shruti Choudhry is granddaughter of former Haryana chief minister Late Chaudhary Bansi Lal and daughter of former Haryana agriculture minister and two time MP Late Chaudhary Surender Singh.Her mother,Kiran Choudhary was Minister of State for Tourism and Forest in Haryana's cabinet. A lawyer by education, she was chosen by congress party to contest Lok sabha election from Bhiwani-Mahendragarh in 2009[1] and defeated her nearest rival Ajay Singh Chautala of INLD [2] by a margin of 55097 [3].
In Oct 2009 assmebly elections, Both her uncles, Ranveer Singh Mahendra and Sombir Singh, who worked against her in MP elections were defeated.
Shruti Choudhry -Member of Parliament
In office-2009 - incumbent
Preceded by-Kuldeep Bishnoi, Inderjit Singh Rao
Born- October 3, 1975 (1975-10-03) (age 34)
Political party-Indian National Congress
Spouse(s)-Arunabh Choudhry